Ooh, I do love bubbles. They bring out the childlike in all of us I think.

Stagnation busters? Just getting out of the house, walking in nature, a good conversation at a cafe, travel when I can afford it, a day to wander dreamily in the gardens with a notebook. Keen to hear more ideas though. 💜

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Now THAT is an image I can get behind—‘a day to wander dreamily in the gardens with a notebook.’ ♥️

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Walking is my thing, preferably in nature as opposed on sidewalks or a treadmill. If I can spend enough time in the trees or mountains or next to streams, eventually, they refresh me and help me find a different perspective.

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Walking, especially near water, has been my go-to release as well. But I’m benefiting from hearing you and others remind me how powerful it can be. ♥️

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Ooh great questions! Getting outside and walking by the river always helps shift my stagnant moods. Or listening to music.✨

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YES! The WATER is always my best medicine, too! My hope is that one day I will be able to live near enough to water to experience it every day! Thank you for reading, so much, Trudi!

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I enjoyed your essay!

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Yay!!! Thank you!!! Means a LOT coming from you!

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